In Coimbatore and Pudhukottai medical college freshly 969 vacancies have to be allotted which was proclaimed by Chief Minister Jayalalitha. The government of Tamil Nadu stated that “Every year the government under the control of Jayalalitha established new government medical colleges. Three medical colleges have been established last five years and running in the zones of Sivagangai, Thiruvannamalai and Chennai. In those colleges, 100 students are joined every year to pursue their studies.
Moreover, last five years 410 additional medical courses are introduced in 7 government medical colleges which was permitted by Indian Medical Association. This year, the central government endorsed to initiate Coimbatore Employee Insurance Hospital and government medical college with 100 students to pursue their studies. Within last 5 years 810 medical courses have been increased. The government of Tamil Nadu raised funds to establish government medical college in Karur and Pudhukottai with 150 medical students. The government disburses Rs.229 crore 46 lakhs for each to construct those two medical colleges. Pudhukottai government medical college will be commence on 2017-18. The construction is in process under the control of special officer who was appointed by th Chief Minister. The Chief Minister ordered 808 vacancies to appoint Professors, Assistant professors, Associate professors, nurse, medical related and unrelated employees in Coimbatore Employee Insurance Hospital and government medical college. By the increase of vacancy position, the government has to bestowed almost 39 crore 68 lakhs for every year. The Chief Minister has also ordered 161 vacancies in Pudhukottai medical college to appoint Professors, Assistant professors, Associate professors, nurse, medical related and unrelated employees. Due to this vacancies, the government has to bestowed 8 crore 87 lakhs for every year. The total vacancy posts are 969 to appoint employees in Coimbatore Employee Insurance Hospital, government medical college and Pudhukottai government medical college. Because of this huge vacancy position, the expenditure of government is almost 48 crore 55 lakhs of once in a year.”