Thursday, 11 August 2016

Time Management Tips For New Teachers

For new teachers, time is a precious resource. While there’s no way to create more hours in the day, there are ways that you, as a new teacher, can get the most out of the time you have.

Being able to manage time effectively will not only make you a better teacher, it will enhance your quality of life outside the classroom, too. So it’s important to have a few tools at your disposal in order to make the most of your time. Check out these time-management tips for new teachers, and before you know it, time will be back on your side!

1) Prioritize :

Determining what’s most important and focusing on those priorities for the day, in the classroom and out, is crucial to managing time effectively. As a new teacher, understanding the duties and tasks that will most benefit your students may take some trial and error, but as you continue to grow into your new role, these priorities will become apparent. It’s just up to you to shift your focus and allow some less important duties—whether it’s grading each and every homework assignment or meticulously organizing your desk—fall to the wayside.

2) Simplify :

The easiest way to increase efficiency is to simplify your everyday tasks and duties. Take a good look at those things you do each day to keep your classroom up and running smoothly, and see if there’s any room to streamline. Additionally, to-do lists are a great tool, but be sure to keep them simple—each day jot down only your top three priorities.

3) Keep to a schedule :

Creating a schedule and staying true to it is very important for the well-being of new teachers. When making your schedule, devote only one or two days to stay late—if necessary—and make Friday a day for planning for the following week. Determining the next week’s priorities and being prepared are key to managing time effectively as a new teacher.

4) Be realistic :

Knowing your limits while understanding what is and isn’t within your control is critical to time management. Don’t over-commit; set realistic expectations for yourself when it comes to time. And most importantly, learn when and how to say no.

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The Value of a college degree

Many people are reconsidering the merits of a college degree since costs seem to always be on the rise. Potential college students frequently consider whether expensive tuition, large quantities of student loan debt, and attending school rather than working is a decision that will be beneficial in the future. Attending college can be a very difficult decision for students who come from families struggling financially. 

It's best to consider whether obtaining a college degree is worth the time and money and conducting some research about the usefulness and value of degrees you're considering before deciding whether to enroll in college. 

The Economic Value of Higher Education :
The many benefits resulting from college education usually justifies the money spent obtaining a degree. Although wages between high school and college graduates often does not vary significantly until after years of work experience is acquired, college graduates usually earn more money during their working lives than people with only high school diplomas. The U.S. Census Bureau has reported that those with bachelor's degrees earn nearly 2 million dollars, associate's degrees nearly 1.5 million dollars, and high school diplomas nearly 1.2 million dollars during their careers. 

The increased earnings throughout one's working life is just one good reason to acquire a college degree. Most students currently enrolled in college and universities attend public institutions. These schools do not cost as much to attend as private schools. Students attending public college and universities usually pay just over 8,000 dollars per year, which includes tuition, books, and living expenses. Students attending community colleges usually end up paying nearly 1,300 dollars for tuition annually. 

Obtaining a college degree can be expensive, but college graduates usually earn more money during their lives than those who do not finish college. The high costs of attending college should be viewed as an investment that pays off later in life. 

Other Benefits of Higher Education :
Besides higher wages, there are numerous other benefits associated with graduating from college. Many college graduates enjoy the opportunity to work where they want to live, have more time for recreation, and have a high standard of living. Some of the greatest benefits of a college education are experienced during school. Students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and interesting subjects. They are also introduced to theories and unfamiliar ideas they might not learn about without attending college. 

Some research indicates that many college graduates have healthy lifestyles. As a result, children of college graduates often receive instruction about the importance of good nutrition and exercise. This in turn improves the quality of life and life expectancy rates for college graduates and their families. 

Some research has documented a link between increased morality and college education. For example, researchers have demonstrated that college educated mothers devote a considerable amount of time teaching their children values and educating them. 

Society benefits overall from higher education. Some of the benefits include higher tax receipts, increased public awareness about important issues, and lower unemployment rates. 

College Attendance vs. College Completion
According to a recent study, nearly 600,000 students drop out of college every year. Those not finishing college usually have lower wages than college graduates of both four year institutions and community colleges. Students at community colleges also improve or develop cognitive abilities at nearly the same rate as students at traditional colleges and universities. Tuition expenses, however, usually differ at 4-year schools and community colleges, with students attending 4-year institutions usually paying more. Since cognitive skills development improve at the nearly the same rate and community college is less expensive, individuals not completely committed to graduating should attend community college. Those who enter four-year colleges or universities should commit to obtain a degree because of the time and financial commitment made any year during college.

Genius people are of great demand in all places which means people with exceptional intelligence, creative mind, brilliant and exceptional skill in a particular area. Every one is genius in one or other thing but many are unaware about it as they are not allowed to explore their passion with the education system that prevails.
“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” - Steve Jobs
When one does a work or study a thing according to his/her interest/passion surely it will be a great success. Here comes the importance of “Genius Hour”.
Genius Hour was first introduced by Google to its engineers where they are allowed to spend 20% of their time to work on projects in which they are more interested and passionate. This has resulted in increased productivity and main thing to be noted is that about 50% of Google’s projects have been created in this time period. Many organizations have adopted the same. This is a nice idea to be implemented in education.

In education, Genius Hour is a student-driven learning where students are allowed to explore their passion and learn interested topics. This will enhance the learning ability of students and enable them to think beyond the curriculum. Students will be able to think on their own, do their own research, rise questions and get into a conclusion for producing an effective result. The mentor/ teacher has to make sure that the session enable the students to learn joyfully.
Teachers need to guide and converse with students who have trouble in creating and producing a concept or a thing to stimulate the creativity in them. Students has to be encouraged to create, explore, solve problem and construct their own learning in Genius Hour. It is a creative time period where students are permitted to think and perform an action independently for gaining better output.
The freedom given to the students motivates them to explore innovative ideas and take ownership of their learning which means they can become life long learners. Practicing Genius Hour in classroom will make students enthusiastic. Why can’t you try it for your students?

Monday, 1 August 2016

Why parents believe Homeschooling Myths ?

There has been an increasing trend in homeschooling today, where parents are opting to homeschool their children rather than send them to various public and private schools across the United States. As a matter of fact, more than two million children are homeschooled in all 50 states nationwide.
Even though homeschooling is currently on the rise, the stereotypes and homeschooling myths continue to persist. What's more surprising is the fact that some homeschooling parents also believed those misrepresentations.
Homeschooling Myths Parents Believe :
According to About Education, there are three homeschooling myths that parents believed. These are - "homeschooled children are weird," "homeschooled kids are unsocialized" and "all homeschoolers are child prodigies."
Homeschooling expert Kris Bales, however, stressed that homeschooling parents should not allow these myths to spark "unnecessary conflict" in their homeschool. Bales said that parents should help children understand how to deal with social situations and not think of their kids as weird or anti-social.
"Homeschooled children do need opportunities to socialize with their peers, but that doesn't mean that you have to enroll them in every single activity available," Bales wrote. "And, you certainly don't have to do so to prove to your child, yourself, your nosy neighbor or well-meaning relative that your kids are socialized."

Society's Perception On Homeschooling :
In the article, Bales also highlighted the society's perception on homeschooling, which homeschooling parents also believed. According to Bales, homeschooled kids can either be "academically hamstrung students who will never be able to make it in the real world or child prodigies who excel academically."
"Both extremes seem to have infiltrated the minds of many homeschooled parents, causing undo stress on parents and their children," Bales said. "This child-prodigy mindset can cause parents to place excessive academic pressure on their children and fail to recognize a student's unique gifts and talents."
Why Parents Should Stop Believing Homeschooling Myths :
Although parents have denied the aforementioned homeschooling myths, those beliefs have already infiltrated the minds of many homeschooling parents. But Bales said parents should not let these myths, stereotypes, even doubts and fears invade their homeschool rather believe that their kids are unique individuals who are allowed to follow their passions while dealing with their weaknesses.
Parent's Guide To Homeschooling
Speaking of homeschooling, Adequate Man has published an article, "A Normal Parent's Guide To Homeschooling." In the articles, Miranda Wulff Altschuler explained the ins and outs of homeschooling as well as detailed the effective ways for parents to handle homeschooling.
Meanwhile, there are so many reasons why many parents are now opting homeschooling than traditional schools. As Parent Herald previously reported, it may be due to insufficient public schools or variations on educational philosophies and religious beliefs.

Indian-Origin Student Tops Prestigious Exam

An Indian-origin student in Singapore has beaten over 40 students and topped the International Baccalaureate Diploma examination, an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education that is recognised by many universities worldwide.

Rasika Kale, a non-resident Indian students at the Singapore-based Global Indian International School (GIIS), topped the IB ranking for IBDP exam 2016 (Grade 12 equivalent), scoring 45 out of 45 points, said Kamal Gupta, Chief Operating Officer of Global Schools Foundation, which established GIIS in South East Asia and Middle East.

"As thousands of students from over 40 countries appear for the IB exams, achieving a world topper ranking is as prestigious as winning a gold medal in the Olympics of academics," said Mr Gupta.

Ms Rasika nurtured into an all-round performer with a combination of intelligence and passion for performing arts, Mr Gupta said.

Three other GIIS students, Aarushi Khandelwal, Revvand Rajesh and Sibiranjith Nagesh, secured a near-perfect score of 44 out of 45 points in the same examination.

Source Link : 

The World Breastfeeding Week 2016:Facts About Breast Feeding

The World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated on every first week of august. The World Breastfeeding Week 2016 theme is about how breastfeeding is a key element in getting us to think about how to value our well being from the start of life, how to respect each other and care for the world we share.
Facts about Breast Feeding:
Breastfed babies typically get sick less. 
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of ear infections, diarrhea, and stomach problems.
Children who are breastfed have a lower rate of certain illnesses as they grow up.
 Babies who are not breastfed have a higher risk of asthma, diabetes, and childhood obesity. Since African-Americans are at an increased risk for these conditions, it’s important to understand the long-term benefits of breastfeeding.
Your baby can smell you.
 Newborns have a strong sense of smell and know the unique scent of your breast milk. That is why your baby will turn his or her head to you when he or she is hungry.
Your baby can see you up close and personal.
Facts About Breast Feeding

 Babies are born extremely nearsighted, which means they can only see things about 8 to 15 inches away. That also happens to be the distance between your face and your baby’s face when breastfeeding. So when your baby locks eyes with you, it’s a true bonding moment.
Breastfeeding allows your body to recover from pregnancy and childbirth more quickly. 
The hormones released when you breastfeed make your uterus contract back to its pre-pregnancy size.
Breastfeeding exposes your baby to many different tastes. 
Formula has one taste. But through your breast milk, your baby eventually gets a slight taste of whatever you eat, although not directly. This will later make introducing solid foods easier.
Breastfeeding may help you to lose weight. 
Mothers who exclusively breastfeed can burn as many as 600 calories a day, which may help you get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in moms.
Breastfeeding can save a family more than $1,200 to $1,500 in formula-related expenses in a baby’s first year alone.
Your body starts getting ready to breastfeed during pregnancy. 
After you give birth, your body gets the final signal to make milk, which is usually more than one newborn can handle. Why? Your body doesn’t know whether you have one, two, three, four, or more babies to feed. Your supply then regulates to meet your baby’s (or babies’) needs.
Before your milk comes in, in the first few days after birth, your breasts make a thick, sticky, yellowish fluid sometimes referred to as “liquid gold.” Called colostrum, 
this liquid has the calcium, potassium, proteins, minerals, and antibodies your baby needs. Your baby needs only a few teaspoons to feel full and stay healthy until your milk flow increases, about two to five days after birth.
Your breast milk changes during a feeding session. 
When your baby first starts to nurse, your milk is a watery bluish color. Toward the end of the feeding session, your baby gets to thicker, fattier milk, which gives your baby the calories needed to grow healthy and strong.
Breast milk heals.
 Breast milk is filled with special components that are designed to help fight infection and cut down on swelling in the breast. So, if your breasts are sore those first few days, gently massaging some of your milk into your nipples and breasts can soothe the soreness and speed up recovery.

Monday, 18 July 2016

969 Vacancies in Coimbatore and Pudhukottai Medical College

In Coimbatore and Pudhukottai medical college freshly 969 vacancies have to be allotted which was proclaimed by Chief Minister Jayalalitha.  The government of Tamil Nadu stated that “Every year the government under the control of Jayalalitha established new government medical colleges. Three medical colleges have been established last five years and running in the zones of Sivagangai, Thiruvannamalai and Chennai. In those colleges, 100 students are joined every year to pursue their studies. 

Moreover, last five years 410 additional medical courses are introduced in 7 government medical colleges which was permitted by Indian Medical Association. This year, the central government endorsed to initiate Coimbatore Employee Insurance Hospital and government medical college with 100 students to pursue their studies. Within last 5 years 810 medical courses have been increased. The government of Tamil Nadu raised funds to establish government medical college in Karur and Pudhukottai with 150 medical students. The government disburses Rs.229 crore 46 lakhs for each to construct those two medical colleges. Pudhukottai government medical college will be commence on 2017-18. The construction is in process under the control of special officer who was appointed by th Chief Minister. The Chief Minister ordered 808 vacancies to appoint Professors, Assistant professors, Associate professors, nurse, medical related and unrelated employees in Coimbatore Employee Insurance Hospital and government medical college. By the increase of vacancy position, the government has to bestowed almost 39 crore 68 lakhs for every year. The Chief Minister has also ordered 161 vacancies in Pudhukottai medical college to appoint Professors, Assistant professors, Associate professors, nurse, medical related and unrelated employees. Due to this vacancies, the government has to bestowed 8 crore 87 lakhs for every year. The total vacancy posts are 969 to appoint employees in Coimbatore Employee Insurance Hospital, government medical college and Pudhukottai government medical college. Because of this huge vacancy position, the expenditure of government is almost 48 crore 55 lakhs of once in a year.”